I think no one will argue that Telegram today is one of the best messengers. The main reason for this is that he is extremely loyal to the user. More specifically, none of the currently existing competitive solutions can boast of the presence of an equally high-quality stable and fast application on all current operating systems – both mobile and desktop – which, at the same time, is maximally protected (in any case, nothing more secure on the market now no, and it is unlikely to be), is constantly being improved and has a web version.
If you know all this and are already using Telegram with might and main, then you will surely be interested to get acquainted with five non-obvious, but very useful chips of this friendly messenger.
By default, Telegram has an English-language interface, but there is no option to select Russian in the settings. But you can add the great and the mighty to the program yourself. To do this, enter @tgrusbot in the search (as the name implies, this is a bot for localization), subscribe to it, download and open the file for your client … well, that's all!
No limit on media files
If you have installed Telegram and out of habit do not even try to send a lot of photos or videos to friends / colleagues, thinking that here, as in other messengers and social networks, there is a limitation on the quality and number of transferred files (for example, no more than 30 files can be sent via WhatsApp , via Viber – up to 10), then relax: through the efforts of Pavel Durov, we can exchange vacation photos and videos without restrictions.
One of the essential elements of modern social networks is interest groups with hundreds of members. Telegram went further and allowed organizing communities with thousands of members. Moreover, these supergroups can be both closed and open, and the history of messages in them is available from the very beginning, even to those who have just connected.
Own stickers
Now I will not describe the whole process of creating 'self-made' stickers, since such instructions have been published on the Internet by everyone who is not lazy. But one cannot fail to mention such an interesting functionality. While Viber, Line and associates monetize their sticker packs, earning tens of millions of dollars from it, Telegram users can create stickers themselves for free and even share them with friends, without having any programming skills.
Important messages only
If you subscribe to a bunch of different channels, add too many contacts and bots, then new messages will arrive almost 100,500 times per second. In order not to let something important amid this chaos, mute the messenger, and those who need to reach you can insert your nickname into their message, as a result of which you will be notified of a new message.
A trifle, but nice
Among other things, Telegram has several small features worth mentioning, among them:
- Ability to change messages after sending. If you blurted out too much or simply put it wrong, then double-tapping on the message of interest, select Edit
- Search. One of the best search systems has been created in 'Telegram', which applies to chats, contacts, other users, messages, hashtags, bots. In short, whatever you are looking for, sooner or later it will definitely be found.
- Advanced privacy settings. By selecting the Privacy and Security section in the Settings, then the Last Seen Privacy item, you can choose those who can see the time of your last visit – this is useful, for example, to 'hide' from a vigilant boss or a jealous soul mate.