The dispute between Roskomnadzor and Telegram ended today, which threatened to block the service in Russia. In this regard, I would like to share a couple of thoughts about some inconsistency of Pavel Durov.
Hello! Today the dispute between Telegram and Roskomnadzor has finally come to an end. The messenger will not be blocked in Russia, you can read the details in Pavel Durov's message below:
But I didn’t want to talk about the blocking, and not even about the wonderful PR Roskomnadzor arranged for Telegram. I was more interested in some inconsistency of Pavel Durov. I think that you all remember that there is no Russian language in Telegram, Durov's position was simple, below is a quote:
It's funny that Durov really predicted the history of the development of Telegram in Russia, and the lack of the Russian language did not save the service from the attention of Roskomnadzor. But pay attention, Pavel also wrote that Russia is not interesting as an Internet market for new projects. I note that, in addition to the lack of Russification, technical support also does not speak Russian, and the official Telegram Twitter ignores Russian-language messages.
But with all this, Pavel regularly replied to the messages of Alexander Zharov, and it was clear that he was interested in the service, otherwise one could simply ignore the officials of “a country that is not interesting for new projects.” Which brings us back to the assumption that the reasons for the absence of the Russian language in the service lie in something else.
On the other hand, Telegram is a good example of the fact that Russification is not always a prerequisite for the success of an application in Russia. And it's great that we don't have to fiddle with VPN and other 'interesting' troubles for everyday access to the messenger.
By the way, would you use Telegram if Roskomnadzor did block it? Personally, I find it difficult to answer this question, I think it would strongly depend on how easily such blocking would be bypassed and with what speed damage.
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