About congratulations-rhymes

On International Women's Day, I propose to consider one very topical and topical topic.


This is, of course, about template copied congratulations in the form of verses. Wow, I can't even tell you how much they annoy me! For me, there is nothing more obvious that you are being congratulated 'for show' than similar mailings of the same rhyme. And if earlier the activity of such congratulations was limited by the budget for SMS-ki, now the situation has worsened with the advent of WhatsApp and other similar instant messengers. I believe that there are only three ways to congratulate a person: in person, by a call or a message written on your own behalf. Although no, there is another option, which I will use a little later, due to the lack of alternatives. In no case should you send verses copied from somewhere or send the same congratulations in bulk, it's just ugly and shows your attitude towards people. Do you agree with me, dear readers?

P.S. Taking this opportunity, I would like to congratulate our lovely readers on this wonderful holiday. Thank you for visiting our website and commenting on our articles. The female audience makes up only 10% of the total traffic of Mobile-Review, and all the more valuable is everything you write under each review or post, because, as my buyer's guide showed by March 8, men and women have completely different views on many things, be it a gift or smartphone functionality. Happy Holidays!

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