Recently, more and more often I catch myself thinking that an excess of emoji in messages causes me wild irritation. I decided to share my thoughts with you, dear readers.
We have already discussed several times the advantages and disadvantages of textual communication over living, the latter can be safely attributed to much less emotionality. Basically, you can show resentment in capital letters or exclamation marks, and approval with emoticons or just parentheses. In theory, the problem should be easily solved using emoji, which are now available for any occasion, but not everything is so simple. People start to abuse this tool and use it too often. Especially often girls in Instagram suffer from this, they have two or three emojis in each sentence, while most of them do not carry any semantic meaning. As a result, such messages look like banal antics and are simply annoying.
A friend of mine often uses emoji for her store in Instagram, I once shared my thoughts with her on the topic, to which she replied that emoji is just a way to dilute large text with pictures, because in Instagram you cannot write a review with multiple photos. This point of view has a right to exist, and, quite possibly, some people find it easier to read posts with emoji, but I prefer standard text, and when it comes to correspondence, only rare emoticons or parentheses seem appropriate, but not spam with emoji. What do you say, dear readers?