The problems described in the title have become more frequent in recent years. Previously, I only occasionally noticed negative feedback about the work of operators on Twitter, then sometimes I began to encounter problems with receiving the network at home, then my friends complained (I have to help as someone who writes about smartphones!), And, finally, situations began to arise when I simply can't get through to my mom, and my dad complains that none of his friends and workmates can simply catch him online. At the same time, absolutely everyone has different smartphones: someone has a Samsung Galaxy Note 4, someone has Meizu MX4 Pro, I have a whole string of different devices, from HTC One M8, M9 and A9 to my favorite at the moment LG G4. All operators are also different: MTS, MegaFon, Beeline, different places in which this happens (home, work, university, just somewhere on the road) and other conditions that do not repeat at all. That is, from such a sample it is impossible to draw any precise conclusion as to why specific people do not catch the network, the smartphone shows zero 'sticks' or a maximum of divisions, but no one can still call them. How to live with this and what to do? I'll tell you now!
In short, there is a problem, and more and more people notice it, but a simple change of a smartphone or operator, as a rule, cannot be solved in any way. There are many reasons, I suppose, but the simplest is this: the number of devices is growing at an incredible pace, the number of subscribers and owners of complex smartphones – as well. At the same time, operators do not have time to cover new spaces and improve the current infrastructure at the same rate as the market is growing, and manufacturers of smartphones and platforms are more concerned with the development of frequencies, ephemeral 5G and other things than debugging current technologies, these are realities. All this leads to what I wrote above – you have, for example, MegaFon and Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and the device shows all the divisions, but you cannot get through. Why? Because cellular communications and mobile technologies are complex.
I already wrote a small note about good old phones, which, in fact, reveals my solution to this issue.
Good old phones
Here I just want to remind you of this solution once again, because the problem is becoming more and more urgent, especially in large cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg. So, if from time to time you are faced with 'does not catch the network', 'I can not get through to you, how so ?!' and other problems, it is not necessary to immediately go and change the operator, this will hardly help, because MTS and MegaFon work terribly for some, MegaFon and Beeline for others, and for others – nothing at all except TELE 2. You just need to go to any nearest Euroset, Svyaznoy or another store, buy a simple push-button telephone costing up to 1,500, up to a maximum of 2,000 rubles (better in general for 990) and the simplest SIM card of any operator other than yours, preferably without a monthly fee, and delete all subscriptions and additional services and services in it (often this needs to be done through a call to the operator's call center). Then you put a SIM card in a new phone, and for your main number through your personal account or a call to the support service, you set up forwarding to a new SIM card under certain conditions: the number is busy, the number is unavailable or no one answers, say, 20 seconds.
Of course, if you are more or less versed in the topic of operators and how it all works, then this method will make you smile and seem something like shamanic dances or making wishes for a shooting star, I would think so myself if fair. The trick is that this method works in my case, for example, it has been tested for several years. A couple of years ago, my main number (MegaFon SIM card) started to catch poorly, people did not call me, important calls were lost. At first I called the support service, left applications for places with poor network reception, changed smartphones and did many other things that did not help at all, and then I just bought a handset for 900 rubles, put a SIM card of another operator there (in my case, MTS ), set up call forwarding according to the specified conditions, and the problem went away. Some of my calls now come to the second device, because the SIM card is basically still inaccessible, but this has not bothered me for a long time.
Or another option is a smartphone with support for two SIM cards. But that's a completely different story.