Hello dear readers. Today we will discuss a few 'little things' in a smartphone, as well as their importance in choosing the latter.
We already had a column in which I talked about critical and non-critical flaws. Then I focused on what is important for me personally, today I would like to talk about less important things, I would even say the little things and at the same time discuss them with you.
Included headphones
Personally, I have never been an audiophile, so I used the bundled headphones out of the box for a long time, but for me there is one important point. These must be plugs, and not droplets falling out of the ears. As far as I understand, 'droplets' are cheaper to manufacture, so manufacturers are much more willing to put them in the kit. And then you sit in the subway and hear the music of all the neighbors in the carriage, because they use similar headphones.
Memory size
Previously, this parameter was very important for me, I constantly watched videos from my smartphone, played productive games, so 32 GB was a necessary minimum for me. Over time, I began to prefer books to films, and games were launched less and less. As a result, most of the memory (4-5 GB) on my smartphone is occupied by music and another 1-2 GB – all sorts of system data, etc. That is, the built-in 16 GB of memory is enough for my eyes, and the presence of a memory card (given the reduced rights for the card in Android 5.0) is becoming less and less important.
Removable battery
I often hear about the importance of a removable battery, but I myself rarely attach importance to this parameter. Rather, he rarely gave it. As I already told in one of the issues of 'Mobile Environment', when my mother's battery on the Galaxy S3 swelled after a year and a half of use, the problem was solved by a simple replacement and cost me 850 rubles. I don't even want to think about how much they would ask for replacing the built-in battery in the SC after the end of the warranty repair.
I specially chose not the most popular 'little things' for this issue, so as not to slip completely into banality, and in conclusion I ask you logical questions: what 'little things' are important to you? Not really very important, but desirable?