I already once said that I have ideas for articles spontaneously and most often before bedtime. And although I have already learned how to write them down every time, I often limit myself to just one phrase instead of a full text. So it was this time, I wrote something down in my electronic notebook and all week I was sure that I would tell about it on Friday. And so on Thursday night I open my notes and see only two words 'technical comfort'. Perhaps before going to bed, they were very important to me, but now their meaning is not even very clear to me. Therefore, instead of 'technical comfort', I decided to tell you about four examples of cloud synchronization, which, in general, can also be called that very comfort.
Smart clipboard between macOS and iOS
One of the latest versions of MacOS has a clipboard that syncs between your Mac and iPhone. The thing is simple, but very useful. You type something on the poppy, copy the text and press 'paste' already on the iPhone. This is great for Instagram and other non-desktop applications.
Sync YouTube
I really like that starting to watch a video on a tablet, I can easily switch to a smartphone, and finish watching it on TV. At the same time, the entire browsing history from different devices is saved in one place.
Switching Between Devices on Spotify
One of the reasons I love Spotify is seamless switching between different music devices. For example, here I am listening to music on the iMac'e and going to the kitchen. In two clicks, I select my Bluetooth – AirPlay-enabled speaker and continue listening on it. And before leaving the house, I continue listening on an iPhone or Android – a smartphone.
Sync position on Kindle
Among the many reading apps and e-books, I decided to stick with the Kindle and did not regret it. At work, I often change gadgets, so I can start reading a book at home from my Kindle, and continue on one of the various smartphones. Various devices support seamless synchronization, but as far as I know, only Amazon has synchronization between the e-book and all of them. And this is the main reason why I chose their application.
I have already written once that I would rather prefer an application with seamless synchronization and less functionality than a fancy program without such an option. And since then my position has not changed.
In the comments, I would like to read with interest which of the applications with such synchronization you use and why exactly them.