Geek's Code

What do we mean by 'geek'? Subculture, lifestyle, worldview, external image or something close to religion? Yes and no. On the eve of the international day of geeks, we are trying to figure out what is included in the list of knowledge, skills and abilities of a real geek. Do not forget to include a sense of humor and welcome to cat.


Geek (English geek, IPA giːk) – a person who is extremely passionate about something; fan. Initially, geeks were people who were passionate about high technologies (usually computers and gadgets). Wikipedia

A list of what a real geek should know and be able to do:

  • Quickly and intuitively master electronic devices and mobile technology
  • Advanced proficiency in remote configuration of random devices
  • The previous point, but without instructions, guided only by intuition
  • 'Have you tried turning it off and on?'
  • Resolve disputes with 'Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock, Spiderman, Batman, Wizard, Glock'
  • Know the 13 basic html tags
  • Hide files under JPEG format
  • Play Snake on YouTube and Tetris via uTorrent
  • Collect IKEA furniture without instructions. Bonus for assembling without anyone's advice and tips
  • Dual or more computer boot
  • Connection Apple TV, Wii, XBOX, etc. to one control panel
  • Programming the universal remote control
  • Know the difference between skills and traits
  • Emulators!
  • Build a fighting robot
  • Program a combat robot
  • Embed a fault-tolerant interface into the combat robot
  • Have a compelling argument about popular holivars
  • L337 5p34k
  • 42
  • Transfer the epidemic of lurk-slang, instantly detect the 'infected' on the network
  • Show Bilbo's path on a map of Middle-earth
  • Dream to sew NFC chips into the palm of your hand
  • Know how to act so that you don't get eaten by the rough
  • Know who is rude
  • Have over9000 anonymous social media accounts
  • Understand the difference between a comic book and an illustrated magazine
  • Celebrate May 4th as a religious holiday
  • Masterfully solve Rubik's cube
  • Interested in transhumanism
  • In addition to your own, remember the PC configuration of close friends / relatives, the software version of their gadgets
  • Root, jailbreak, custom ROMs
  • Quote popular movies among geeks
  • MP3 player without Rockbox? No, have not heard.
  • Maintain a section on
  • To be able to subtly 'troll' the apologists of certain OS / vendors / concepts of using gadgets
  • Understand that trolling is bad
  • Strive to keep abreast of trends in the mobile electronics market
  • Participate in online gadget raffles
  • Take an active interest in anything tagged with 'leak'
  • Long live The Pirate Bay!
  • Always wait for the end of credits when watching movies, especially from Marvel
  • Belong to at least one fan community
  • Have the ability to seriously take offense at overt spoilers in a conversation
  • Be able to name 10 'Easter eggs' in software
  • Have at least some experience in selling gadgets / technical support
  • Find a compromise in communicating with unpretentious users (counting in the mind to ten, breathing Qigong practices)
  • In the process of dialogue, understand in time that it is time to turn off the 'geek mode'

In my opinion, geeks are interesting people, especially if they are well socialized. It is interesting to talk to them, often in such conversations interesting topics and ideas arise. So I sincerely want to wish real geeks not to forget that they are, first of all, people with their own interests and vision of the world. You need to be a little more open to the world, and then ordinary users will understand that they are not so geeks and strange.


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