Good sound. Who needs it?


Today's article will not be about headphones, not about the experience of using a smartphone, and not even about repairs.

Today I would like to talk with you about one topic that has haunted me for the past two weeks. This is the theme of our perception of the world and the surrounding reality. It sounds pompous, but behind this there is only one observation, which, willy-nilly, I made, looking at the people around me. Given my attitude to sound, I often paid attention to what kind of headphones people around me were using, and often what I saw surprised and amazed me. It didn’t fit in my head how you can use the headphones that come with an inexpensive phone. I was even more puzzled by the fact that many not only use such headphones, because they were included, but also buy such headphones themselves. They buy and use them with pleasure on an ongoing basis, without any discomfort. But this thought came and went. The catalyst that shaped my thought into thinking on this topic was a recent incident to which I became an unwitting witness when I was on an opportunity in an electronics store. In my presence, a girl bought herself a headset. What do you think became the main selection criterion for her? Detailing? Frequency range? Power? Impedance? Frequency response? No and no again. Price.

Good sound.  Who needs it?

It was the price that became the determining factor. She asked – inexpensive for me. As a result, some nameless plugs were bought for 200-250 rubles. The girl went about her business, and I went immersed in my thoughts, which eventually took shape in reflection, which I want to share with you today.

I wondered why people use headphones, the sound of which can hardly be called good even with a great stretch.

I asked my friends what models of headphones they use and why. In most cases, these were the same complete or inexpensive models. About the sound quality, most said that everything suits them, and they see no reason to overpay, because: 'It's just headphones. What could be there for such a price '?

Good sound.  Who needs it?

After that, I let them listen to my headphones. Many have commented that, yes, the sound is better, but nothing more. None of them suggested that it might be worth buying better headphones for themselves. It was an interesting experience for me. ?

My next thought is not to discover America and reinvent the wheel, but we are all different. We have different interests, hobbies and life experiences. We often have completely different priorities in life. Each of us lives in his own world, which he considers correct and the only possible one. And also, we are often very intolerant of someone else's point of view, if it disagrees with our opinion. The litmus paper of this attitude towards life and others is often communication on the Internet, where there is a certain illusory freedom to say what you think, without cuts. Moreover, as observations show, such behavior is very typical for people who are seriously interested in some kind of business, or have a hobby based on the type of perception. And yet, for the majority of adherents of a particular way of life, maximalism in judgments is characteristic.

The hottest battles take place on thematic forums. The most heated debates are on topics that mean absolutely nothing to an outside observer. Very often you can hear from a sports car lover the idea that a car that does not gain a hundred in less than 5 seconds is not a car at all and is unworthy of attention. Or, for example, how do you like the statement that if you have a speaker system at home for less than 500 thousand rubles, then it will not work for anything? There are a lot of similar examples.

Good sound.  Who needs it?

Do you know what unites such people who are passionate about their topic? The fact that the majority, outside of such a circle of communication, are not at all interested and incomprehensible what the adepts argue about. Most have other interests.

We defend our point of view and our way of life even when nothing depends on it and when nobody else needs it. Just to admit the fact that our point of view is important and fair only for ourselves, often there is not enough fortitude and a healthy level of self-criticism. It's a shame that this often prevents us from objectively looking at another person and his opinion.

And the most important thing that struck me is that there are too few of us who are so keen on one topic.

Willy-nilly, we are looking for a social circle with similar interests. And it turns out that we mainly communicate with those who are 'in the subject', and therefore sometimes it starts to seem that everyone around us thinks in similar categories.

Realizing this for myself, I tried to look at the issue from the other side. I have ceased to prove anything to anyone. At the moment, I am not perplexed by the use of cheap headphones by people. I do not rush into a 'crusade' against a bad sound, I do not seek to open people's eyes and convey the 'truth' to them.

Good sound.  Who needs it?

It turned out that from my environment, the sound quality in headphones is important for me, my brother and one friend who periodically moonlights as a disc jockey on holidays. And that's all. The rest don't care.

On the one hand, for me, as a connoisseur of high-quality sound, it is sad. On the other hand, I understand that this is the norm.

The slogan of this article can be words that have been repeated many thousands of times by completely different people – to each his own.

In this regard, I would like to ask you, dear readers, how often did your opinion about any gadget or mobile operating system prevent you from understanding another person who has other interests and opinions different from yours? Has this influenced your attitude towards this person on other issues? And what are you ready to do to defend your point of view and prove to your opponent that his opinion is not correct?

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