Emoticons or the so-called 'emoji' have long and thoroughly entrenched in our lives: the first winking faces saw the light back in 1999, and now it has come to the point that in November 2015 the Oxford Dictionary recognized emoji depicting a laughing person as the word of the year, and just a month ago in the Netherlands, an unusual house with emoticons appeared. However, despite such a high popularity and accessibility, the 'emoji language' is not understandable to everyone because of disagreements in the explanation of the meaning of certain symbols. Therefore, if you like to use a similar way of expressing your feelings during correspondence, then in order to avoid unpleasant situations when you expressed the completely opposite emotion instead of one emotion, we recommend that you at least briefly familiarize yourself with this emoji guide.
Many people perceive this symbol as sadness or deep disappointment, but in fact, the drop in the picture is not a tear at all, but sweat, expressing significant relief after the experienced excitement
Another very often misunderstood emoticon is fried sweet potatoes, whatever you think.
Do not use the following symbol as a greeting card, it is really just a bookmark for a book.
A smiley face with hands raised up does not mean an appeal to higher powers at all, but simply joy
Not the most recognizable in our area, but very famous in the West, the Muslim shrine of the Kaaba
Also a very specific icon that most people regard as a ping-pong ball tray, although it shows gingerbread for the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Festival)
As you might guess, all seven of the following emoticons are used to express joy, laughter, fun
This 'sad seven' is also among the most understandable emoji.
Some users perceive the following smiles with the image of several people as a hint of a big get-together or an invitation to get together, but this is not entirely true: these pictures display different types of families, which, no doubt, is much more relevant in Western countries than in the post-Soviet space
I don't even need to explain here, but just in case, remember one thing – this is not ice cream or truffle.
No, the girl does not grow horns, everything is much simpler: she just gets a facial massage
This concludes a short excursion into emoji, but you write in the comments if you want to see a breakdown of another batch of emojis!