For many years now I have been using the app Skype on my computer and smartphones. At the beginning it was great: a cool, new program where you can not only chat, as in ICQ, but also make calls, talk! Comfortable, unusual, modern, fresh. It's scary to think, but one of my first materials for, written 10 years ago (and therefore scary), was just about Skype. Much water has flowed under the bridge since then.
Years passed, Skype at first developed, received wonderful opportunities and chips, then began to mark time, new versions became worse. Then a turning point happened – the service was bought by the company Microsoft, and since then there has been nothing good in Skype, with each new version, literally with each new build of clients for PC and smartphones , the service deteriorated at an alarming rate. Today Skype on a smartphone is glitches, bugs, crashes, unsent messages when the Internet is working, receiving messages with a delay of several hours and other problems. Skype for PC – this is when, after reinstalling the operating system, you can lose your correspondence with a friend in a year, these are weekly updates that add nothing, this is a terrible quality of connection with the slightest drop in Internet speed and many other problems. Skype today is one of the most inconvenient and outdated services for text and voice communication. However, it is popular. Because, as was the case with ICQ, millions of people will not leave the service that they have been using for many years overnight. I left.
I will not dissemble, I still use Skype, I have three hundred contacts here, and it is not so easy to transfer all communication to another service in a month or two, but I try very hard and hope to completely abandon it within a year from 'skype'. And this other service, as you already understood, is Telegram.
I involuntarily feel like a “ freelance '' Telegram employee promoting a client, but everything is so thought out and correctly implemented in it that every day I rejoice in its use and do not understand why I began to transfer all personal and work correspondence here only now, having lost so much time in Skype, WhatApp and other messengers.
How Telegram is replacing the Internet
Smart bots for Telegram
From WhatsApp to Telegram. Because it's better
Abundance of 'messengers'
I have already told all that I could (well, almost) about the capabilities of Telegram, so in this article I will describe those chips, because of which, among other things, I can now easily transfer all my working communication from Skype to Telegram.
The first is a normal client for Windows, MacOS and even Linux. In fact, this is more of a plus over WhatsApp and some other messengers, where there are only web clients.
The second is a convenient system for storing sent content. What is it? I send a picture to a friend or a work chat on Telegram, the next day 10 more pictures, then a video, then some file. And all this is stored on the server and is available to me and all participants in the correspondence at any time from any device. I can change my smartphone, log into my Telegram account from it and download all these files at any time. It is very comfortable! Moreover, if I need files of a particular type (for example, only pictures), I can open a list of pictures, a list of links (with search), or a list of different uploaded files (again with search). Thus, you can easily find even links sent a year ago or some files. At the same time, images and videos come directly to the chat in a compressed form, but if you wish, you can 'pick up' the original version from the server.
How is it going on Skype? No way. If you throw a picture to another person, and he is not online, then he can get it only when you are simultaneously 'online'. If someone is not there, the image will not come. I am silent about the fact that the history of correspondence is often 'lost' and it is simply impossible to use Skype for work chats with the hope that later you can dig into the history and find something you need.
The third is search. In Skype, if I have a correspondence with a person that has been going on for half a year, for example, and, by a lucky chance, has not yet been lost or deleted by the service, in order to find the mention of a word or phrase, I need use the basic search for 'Windows' – CTRL + F. And then iterate over the results, because at a time I will see only one or several results, how many will fit in the chat window. In Telegram, I can open a search window in the chat, type in a word or phrase and immediately get all references to the desired one in a convenient list.
The fourth is supergroups. This 'theme' has a lot of potential, and there are already a few handy pieces. The administrator of the 'supergroup' can delete all messages of individual users and ban them, as well as attach individual messages in the group, that is, turn them into some kind of announcements that hang in the group chat until they are unpinned and attract attention. In the future, I think the possibilities of 'supergroups' will only expand.
That's all for now! In the comments, I propose to speculate about how bad Skype and what good Telegram is (it is), and about the fact that everything is decay.