It happens that you communicate with other people and find out that some functions in your smartphone, which are completely irrelevant to you, are very important for someone else. One such function is the indicator light.
I myself hardly pay attention to this function, there is an indicator – good, no – and God be with it. What is the reason for this? The fact is that manufacturers have almost stopped installing high-quality large indicator lights in smartphones, it's just some kind of nightmare. Instead of a large, well-distinguishable 'circle', which was in the Samsung Galaxy S3, tiny, barely distinguishable 'dots' are installed, which you can hardly see even in the dark.
Another problem with the indicator light is its reaction to all app notifications. It happens that some kind of uninformative message has come, for example, information that applications from Google Play are ready to be updated or have already been updated, but the indicator is still blinking. My smartphone always lies next to the computer, so the constantly blinking LED is pretty annoying.
Or take another example: you put the device on charge at night and go to bed. Of course, in a dark room, the indicator will glow red or green! Of course, you can install the Flow app and try to set it up on your own, but, according to my friends, this program does not work correctly on all smartphones.
But my opinion is not shared by all users, for example, my friend, on the contrary, appreciates the presence of the indicator very much, says that many notifications come in a day, he does not always fix them, and when he sees a blinking diode, he immediately understands that there is a missed message or call.
How do you feel about this small but important element in a smartphone? Is its presence critical or, on the contrary, do you try to disable it whenever possible? By the way, from interesting solutions regarding the indicator I can cite the example of Umi IRON Pro, in which this element was moved down.