Let's talk about Swarm

Hello dear readers. Today I propose to discuss one of the most popular check-in services, namely the Swarm application. Of course, this is not an overview, we will talk about scenarios for its use, and will not go into detail about the possibilities.


My friend got me hooked on the check-in services five years ago. He used AlterGeo at the time and said it was a great opportunity to pass the time while waiting for a business lunch at a restaurant. When I got a smartphone, I also used AlterGeo for a while, and then, succumbing to the general fashion, switched to Foursquare. At first it was just fun to check in and get various badges, as well as keep track of where friends are now. A little later, I started reading reviews about the places I was going to visit, as well as writing my own. This was especially helpful on trips where you know practically nothing about a particular establishment. And, of course, nice bonuses from some establishments (for example, free tea or a slice of pizza).

However, Foursquare removed the check-ins feature into a separate Swarm app, and I practically stopped using the feedback and ratings functionality. I just 'checked', left a little comment, attached the badge to my check-in and that's it. After a while, I got tired of this and uninstalled both applications (unfortunately, the updated Foursquare also became terribly inconvenient, it took much longer to find a place and read reviews about it).

And so I decided to find out uvas, dear readers, are you using Swarm now? If so, why? What about the original Foursquare?

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