News digest №94. Android N

About new features Android N Developer Preview 2, patents Microsoft, designer version iPad Pro, branded cases in the Google Store and more …


Android N Developer Preview 2 is a new preview of the OS for developers. And although it's not worth judging by it about the final version Android 7.0, some changes are worth noting.

The notification system has become even more flexible. Alerts are now divided into six categories:

  • Blocked – the notification is not displayed;
  • Min importance – the notification card appears at the very bottom of the list, there is no sound notification;
  • Low importance – the card is displayed as usual, there is no sound notification;
  • Normal importance – the default display of the notification;
  • High importance – the notification card is displayed as a pop-up window;
  • Urgent importance — The notification card is displayed as a pop-up and remains at the top of the list at all times.

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The design of notifications has changed a bit, now working with them looks like this:


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In addition, enthusiasts found a settings item in Android N Developer Preview 2 that is responsible for working with virtual reality. Apparently, we are talking about API access to VR functions and a special mode of operation of the chipset to avoid overheating.




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According to preliminary information, the new version Android will support an analogue of 3D Touch functions at the system level. That is, it will be able to recognize the force of pressing the screen, adding a 'strong' tap to the 'standard', 'double' and 'long' tapas.

On the one hand, de facto this same 3D Touch is already used in a number Android smartphones, albeit under a different name. And every year there will be more and more such devices, so supporting this functionality at the system level is a logical step. On the other hand, no one has yet clearly explained why he is needed. As a funny feature of a particular smartphone, it may not be bad, but as a system function?

What exactly should an application developer bind to a 'strong tap', realizing in advance that most existing smartphones are physically unable to recognize the force of pressing the screen? Most likely – some kind of secondary and not too necessary function. Or something that can already be done 'in one click'. Otherwise, the interests of the owners of smartphones without 3D Touch suffer greatly, and for the same result they will have to make a bunch of extra clicks and look for the desired button in different submenus.

So far, there is little information about the operation of this analogue of 3D Touch, although enthusiasts from Phandroid have already managed to record a short video about it.

While the manufacturers Android of smartphones continue to copy solutions from the principle Apple and ponder how and where to install 3D Touch, Microsoft decided to go their own way. Instead of “hard” pressing the screen, MS offers users to simply swipe their hand over it. So, you can pause the film by simply bringing your finger to the screen, and a wave of your hand will enable fast rewinding or rewind the film.

There is something similar in modern TVs, but the main point there is not to reach for the remote control again. But why all this is needed in a mobile device is a mystery.


This management method is called the Shy User Interface, and the company has filed a patent application for it, but has not yet been approved.

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Another crazy MS idea is the FlexCase with a built-in display that not only displays information, but also allows you to control your smartphone.

An example of how FlexCase works is shown in the video below. Developers demonstrate map scaling using the bend of the case, use the FlexCase screen to manipulate the clipboard, and so on.

There is no doubt that all this is technically feasible, moreover, a number of smaller companies have already announced plans to create something similar. But why and who needs it is still not clear. With the same success, you can connect a pilot joystick or a steering wheel with pedals to a smartphone. But probably Microsoft knows what he's doing?

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It has recently become fashionable for manufacturers to produce covers of varying degrees of originality. Google is also not going to lag behind others and is launching a new service to create branded cases in the Google Store.

This service is somewhat reminiscent of Moto Maker, only it is much more primitive. There is no question of choosing the shape or materials of the cover, you can only set its color, apply your image and generate a thematic set of live wallpapers.


Cases are currently available for the Nexus 5X, Nexus 6 and Nexus 6P, the cost of the accessory is $ 35

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And in general, lately the word 'design' is more and more often understood exclusively by the body color.

For example, the other day designer Apple Jonathan Ive introduced a special version iPad Pro with a unique design.


Judging by the images, this uniqueness lies mainly in the yellow color of the case. And also in a special stylus holder and a blue Smart Cover, which are included in the kit.

The unique tablet will be put up for auction, and the proceeds will go to support the Design Museum in London.

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