Not for Russia. We save – we buy operator Galaxy S7 in the USA


In today's article, I propose to consider the possibility of saving money when buying a smartphone and not getting into a mess.

A bit of background

Almost every manufacturer of equipment and not only equipment, when entering international markets, sooner or later comes across such a concept as regional features, and is forced to either take them into account and adjust, or lose sales. Most prefer the first option. This practice is found everywhere among manufacturers of various groups of goods, and its essence lies in the fact that for different markets one and the same product may have some differences, both internal and external.

Among the most striking examples are car manufacturers. For example, when the Volzhsky Automobile Plant was going to enter foreign markets with its products, and in particular to the Italian market, we had to look for a new name instead of the usual 'Zhiguli', because for an Italian the name sounded insulting, as it was very consonant with the word 'gigolo ', which has a clearly negative meaning. Few Italians would agree to drive a car called the Gigolo. ? So, according to legend, 'Lada' was born.

Not for Russia.  We save - we buy operator Galaxy S7 in the USA

But that's just a name. It happens, on the contrary, when the name does not change, but the filling changes. Sometimes these are trifles like the color of the case, and sometimes more serious, up to the presence or absence of one or another function.

And since the site is already devoted to electronics and everything connected with it, let's analyze this issue using the example of the still flagship device Galaxy S7 from Samsung.

Not for Russia.  We save - we buy operator Galaxy S7 in the USA

As many have probably already guessed, we will talk about buying gadgets from foreign online stores and auctions such as eBay, Aliexpress, etc. But I would like to talk more not about how to buy a device at an auction, since there are a lot of detailed articles on this topic on the network, and not even about how to deliver it here, but rather about what risks and difficulties you can wait, if you buy, without thinking about these very regional features.

A bit of theory

At the moment, the Galaxy S7 comes in several modifications. The main differences lie in the processor model used in the device.

The European version, officially sold in Russia, is based on the Exynos processor, produced by Samsung itself, and has the model designation SM-G930F for the version for one SIM card, and SM-G930FD for the version for two SIM cards.

For the North American market, as well as for the Chinese market, Samsung releases the same model, but already based on the Qualcomm processor, Snapdragon 820 model, and has several markings at once, such as SM-G9300 (Chinese version), and SM-G930P / A / R / T / V / U (versions for the USA and neighboring countries).

These versions have the same amount of RAM, the same displays, the same batteries and differ in essence only by the presence or absence of CDMA support, and the number of supported frequencies, and the last letter in the marking means the name of the operator for which this or that version was produced. Например, G930A – версия для оператора AT&T. At the same time, there is a universal version, the firmware of which is suitable for all North American devices, this is G930U.

These are the current versions of the Galaxy S7:

  • SM-G930A (Snapdragon 820, мобильный оператор AT&T, США), также известен как SM-G930AZDAATT
  • SM-G930AZ (Snapdragon 820, mobile operator Cricket, USA), also known as SM-G930AZKYAIO
  • SM-G930F (Exynos 8890, global Europe, CIS countries including Russia, some other countries)
  • SM-G930K (Exynos 8890, Korea Telecom mobile operator, South Korea), also known as SM-G930KZKAKTO
  • SM-G930L (Exynos 8890, mobile operator LG U +, South Korea), also known as SM-G930LZKALUO
  • SM-G930P (Snapdragon 820, Sprint mobile operator, USA), also known as SM-G930PZDASPR
  • SM-G930R / SM-G930R4 (Snapdragon 820, US Cellular, USA), also known as SM-G930RZDAUSC
  • SM-G930T (Snapdragon 820, T-Mobile, USA), also known as SM-G930TZKATMB
  • SM-G930T1 (Snapdragon 820, Metro PCS mobile operator, USA), also known as SM-G930TZKATMK
  • SM-G930V (Snapdragon 820, mobile operator Verizon, USA), also known as SM-G930VZDAVZW

Important: firmware for versions on Exynos and Snapdragon are not compatible with each other. Do not flash the Exynos device with the firmware from the Snapdragon device, and vice versa – you will get a 'brick'.

For what purpose has Samsung released multiple versions of the same device? These are the very regional features of the markets. In the US, the CDMA standard is actively used, which means that the matter is most likely in the number of frequencies supported by the processor modem. It's no secret that Qualcomm processors are equipped with a more versatile modem that supports a larger number of standards and frequencies than Samsung's Exynos, but due to the recent events around the agreement on the production of the Snapdragon 835 processor at Samsung's facilities, it seems to me that this advantage will not last long. I think that within the framework of this agreement, Samsung has already received all the necessary technologies from Qualcomm, which will not fail to use in the next generation of its own processors.


Let's move on from theory directly to the practical part.

There are several Internet sites where you can buy a device that is much cheaper than in Russian retail.

I prefer to buy gadgets on eBay. Let me explain why.

Not for Russia.  We save - we buy operator Galaxy S7 in the USA

First, the seller's rating is much more objective and transparent, which means it is easier to find a reliable one.

Secondly, due to the huge number of so-called forwarding companies, the delivery time of the desired device is significantly lower.

Thirdly, there is a much lower risk of getting a refurbished device disguised as new or a little used (and I want to be sure that all functions of the device, including water resistance, are preserved).

Not for Russia.  We save - we buy operator Galaxy S7 in the USA

Fourthly, it is much easier to communicate with the seller on controversial situations, thanks to the eBay policy itself, as well as the use of PayPal as a payment system. For example, if you did not receive what the seller promised, then thanks to PayPal, you will not have to pay for the return of the goods, if the delivery was directly to the Russian Federation, these costs will be covered by PayPal.

Fifth, it is simply more convenient and easier to deal with the Americans. The language barrier is not so 'high' and our cultures are closer than with the Chinese.

So, you decided to buy, found the right seller, checked his rating, and everything suits you, but what are the risks?


Most of the obvious risks of such a decision are known and described many times, these are the lack of a guarantee, and the waiting time, and the risks of theft of the device by the valiant mail of both the Russian Federation and the United States (yes, the US mail also steals parcels). At the same time, in my opinion, the cost savings more than pay off all these risks. For example, my device is in the condition 'a little used, like new', cost me 17.5 thousand rubles. including all expenses, and I don't regret the purchase.

However, another problem becomes the main risk – whether the device will work in the networks of Russian telecom operators.

Not for Russia.  We save - we buy operator Galaxy S7 in the USA

Image taken from

Having studied this issue quite closely and deeply, I can say that in the case of the Galaxy S7, any version in Russian networks will work, including LTE.

It's no secret that many phones in the USA are sold by telecom operators, which means they often find themselves locked under their operator's networks, which ultimately means the need to remove the SIM-lock after receiving the device. Это справедливо для устройств от операторов Sprint и AT&T (G930P/A). Devices from the operator Verizon (G930V) initially come with an unlocked GSM module, which means they do not require a subsequent 'unlock'.

Unlocking the device on your own is unlikely to work. To resolve this issue, I turned to a specialist, a link to whose services I found there on eBay. We drive in something like 'Galaxy S7 Sprint unlock code' into the eBay search engine and look for suitable options. As a result, I found a lot from a certain Raphael, for $ 9.90 (at the moment he raised the price for his services to $ 13.90).

Not for Russia.  We save - we buy operator Galaxy S7 in the USA

Everything turned out to be very simple. I bought a lot on eBay, and wrote to him about it in the mail. An hour later, an answer came with instructions on what to do. I needed to install a number of programs for remote access, enter a program like Team Viewer, and then send him a login in the program. After that, Rafael remotely, from the USA, connected to my computer, opened a text file on the desktop, in which we communicated with him. To resolve the issue, you will need the most basic knowledge of the English language. Actually, if you think your knowledge of the language is insufficient, no one forbids using Google translator, for example. After some manipulations with the device, during which I had to reconnect the phone with a cable to the computer once, Raf wrote that everything was ready and suggested trying a phone with a SIM card from my operator. And … everything worked, and it still works. After that, on the forum, I advised Rafael to several other users for the same purposes, and everyone was happy, and nothing was stolen or deceived from anyone. If someone is interested in the link to Raphael's lot, the seller's name is on the screenshot (not an advertisement).

So, the issue of decoupling from the operator was resolved.

Moving on.


The main trouble with this purchase option is that the American versions of the Galaxy S7 do not contain the Russian language. Absolutely.

The question can be solved in three ways, of which I only use the first two, for one simple reason – they do not require 'root access', which means Samsung Pay remains functional. Yes, on American versions of the Galaxy S7, 'Samsung Pay' works great with Russian bank cards.

Not for Russia.  We save - we buy operator Galaxy S7 in the USA

The first option is to activate the Russian 'locale' on the phone for all programs that support the Russian language using the ADB interface and a program like Morelocale. On the same forum, in the topic about firmware versions of Galaxy S7, you can find detailed and understandable instructions.

In this case, all software, starting from PlayMarket and ending with a 'dialer' and an SMS client, will be in Russian. Only a few programs and settings will remain in English. For a long time I went with a similar version of Russification, and did not complain.

The second option is to install a special Russified theme, which can be downloaded both on the network, upon request 'Russification of Galaxy S7 using a theme', and on the same forum There are several similar topics. You can choose the one you like best.

In this case, there is one caveat – the theme has a trial period, and after five minutes it is rolled back to stock English. To prevent this from happening, you need to install an additional program, for example, 'EZ Disabler' and with its help freeze the processes responsible for changing the themes. Thus, we will get a fully Russified device before the first reboot.

After the reboot, the theme crashes, and manipulations with the application of the theme and the freezing of processes must be done again. It is only at first glance long and difficult. In fact, it subsequently takes no more than 1-2 minutes.

Not for Russia.  We save - we buy operator Galaxy S7 in the USA

And the third option. Get 'root-rights', and using the modified firmware, flash the device to get the Russian language, which does not fly off after a reboot. The disadvantages of this method are that then you will not be able to receive official firmware updates, and SamsungPay will not work for you. Also, the disadvantages of this method can be attributed to the fact that at the moment the method of obtaining 'root-rights' on this device is far from perfect and can lead to system slowdowns and freezes.

After all the manipulations done, we will get a fully working device, in fact, for a third of the average retail price.


Let's once again briefly go through the steps that you need to go through to get a fully working device from abroad.

  1. Choosing a suitable option on the Internet site (here I advise you to prioritize using eBay – there is more chance to buy what they promise) We carefully read the description, look at the seller's rating, do not hesitate to ask the seller questions about the device.
  2. Choosing a forwarding company that will deliver the device to you. It is difficult to advise anything, because these companies are legion! However, one company actively promoting such services has a promotion – they give new customers one free shipping worth $ 10 for a package weighing up to 1 pound (about 550 grams). Our phone without a box and a charger fits into this limitation.
  3. After receiving the device, I recommend flashing it with the official firmware G930U in order to get rid of the 'operator junk'.
  4. Затем, если вы выбрали устройство от Sprint или AT&T и оно оказалось заблокированным под сети оператора, требуется выполнить разблокировку от прежнего оператора. For this we use eBay remote unlock services.
  5. We Russify the phone using one of three methods that suits you best.
  6. We enjoy using the device and realizing how much we saved.

Not for Russia.  We save - we buy operator Galaxy S7 in the USA

Instead of a conclusion

I understand that such a purchase option is not suitable for everyone, and not everyone wants to take risks and get involved with such problems, otherwise Russian retail would have gone bankrupt long ago :). But if the spirit of adventurism is not alien to you, you want to know better about your device and be able to do a little more than just register an account in the settings, then you should try.

Whether the game is worth the candle is up to you. I made a choice for myself a long time ago, and over the past five years, I have not bought a single smartphone in Russian retail.

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