Review of application – the only guide to the broadcasts of free TV channels on the HOT BIRD satellite

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Channel packages offered by satellite and cable television operators often include dozens or even hundreds of positions. It is quite difficult to understand them, and most viewers do not bother themselves with this at all. As a result, a lot of interesting programs, TV series, films and so on “pass” by them. Of course, many viewers would like to familiarize themselves with this content, but figuring out what and on which channel is shown (especially when there are a couple of hundred channels), remembering, recording, isolating all the best on their own – no, it's difficult, plus it will take a lot of time. Therefore, the efficiency from subscribing to the packages of TV operators is often extremely low: there are a lot of channels, but they still watch 'First', TNT and a couple of well-known channels. The most progressive operators offer mobile applications that help to understand all the variety of channels and programs. In this review we will take a look at the app (available for both Android and iOS) – this is the first and only current guide on the free HOT BIRD satellite TV channels. offered by Eutelsat including in Russia. It contains information about 300 free channels and programs that are broadcast from the HOT BIRD satellite.

Download the application and go through the registration – specify the email address, and then follow the link from the received letter. When entering the application, we indicate personal data and channel languages. The choice is wide – see for yourself:

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After that, we get directly to the application interface. It's nice that the developers have built in a kind of guide to the program's capabilities – so that the user can figure out everything and master all the functions as quickly as possible.

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The application interface is divided into four parts. In the first one we see the logos of all the available channels, of which, let me remind you, there are about 300. A short description is available for all, and for some there is also a detailed program schedule. This is how the list of all available channels looks like (it can be scrolled horizontally):

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And so – channel cards. The screenshots show both the program guide cards and the channel card for which this option is not yet provided.

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The second tab is TV Guide. It contains information about the broadcasts that go through one channel or another. For convenience, offers to choose the genres and types of programs most interesting to the viewer. On the basis of these data, the TV Guide will form a list of the programs shown. That is, the user will be shown only what he is interested in.

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It's nice that the programs are indicated by screenshots from them, plus a progress bar is shown for programs that have already started. It allows you to understand how many minutes a particular program or, say, a series is on, and decide whether to rush to the TV (or it's too late).


You can see which program / series / film will go next on a particular channel by scrolling horizontally. Time movement is displayed on a blue bar above the list of programs. Moreover, you can move by swiping your finger over it, and not just shifting the gear icons left and right.

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The sun icon translates to current and near future broadcasts. If you click on the icon with the moon, then we will jump to the list of programs that run in prime time (by default – 20:30, but you can also change).


Channels can be added to favorites, then they will be displayed above all others in the list.


Plus, you can add specific programs to your favorites – they are displayed on the fourth tab, which is marked with an asterisk.


For most programs, a detailed description is available, including in some cases even a list of actors. Plus there is information on how to find a channel on your TV.

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The third tab is Selection. It offers a list of programs based on your preferences (types and genres) as well as the content of your favorites. That is, both favorite channels and favorite programs that are on the fourth tab – with a star. Roughly speaking, if you like to watch news or music programs on some channels, then in the Compilation you will be recommended to watch similar programs on other channels.


You can assign notifications for transfers – so that the smartphone warns at the moment when the transfer starts. Notifications are carried out with a sound signal and a message:


Well, it remains to say that information about the programs you like can be shared on social networks directly from – while Facebook and Twitter are supported.


In general, I can state that Eutelsat has taken the right path – allows you to quickly understand the whole huge mass of content shown within the HOT BIRD package. The TV viewer from Eutelsat has a wide range of tools in order not to miss out on interesting programs, and then not to 'miss' them. The application turned out to be convenient, neat and not oversaturated with functions – there is only what is really needed, and it is implemented at the proper level.

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