Usually when they talk about spontaneous purchases, then for some reason they immediately talk about girls who could not resist and bought themselves another handbag or dress. But let's speculate, what can make a rational person give up logic and spontaneously acquire something for himself?
I do not like shopping, for me it is a necessary routine, not some kind of pleasure. You need to buy something – went and bought it. I will first see how much this product costs from competitors, read reviews / reviews, and only then go buy it. And so I somehow watch a couple of girls buying another dress in the store and think, what could have made me buy something spontaneously, without preliminary preparation?
And I understand that this should be one of the lowest prices, a beautiful demo zone and perhaps some uniqueness of the products in the store. 'And where do you find such a combination?' – I think. Take the same chain electronics stores, they have wonderful demo zones and a large assortment, but the toad chokes me to buy something there, because I know that the same thing can be ordered in an online store 10-15% cheaper.
And then I remember my last trip to Beijing, to the brand store Xiaomi. It met all my criteria: in the store, prices were lower than on Ali or in our retail, the assortment of goods was much larger than ours, and some things were sold only there. I immediately took my speaker and kettle to the kitchen (Mi Wi-Fi Speaker), bought an inexpensive backpack, a small camera bag and was even ready to splurge on an electric scooter, although I was told that customs would not let me out with such an accessory.
After a couple of weeks I caught myself thinking that these were very spontaneous and irrational purchases, but my God, with what pleasure I stocked up then.
And my traditional question is: what can make you, dear readers, make a spontaneous emotional purchase? A combination of what factors?