Genius, philanthropist, playboy, billionaire and entrepreneur Elon Musk decided on what other corporations lack the spirit, courage, determination and folly. At a presentation in Los Angeles, Mr. Musk presented an all-electric pickup that visually came from cyberpunk films. Carved out of stone, with rough lines, nobody can confuse Cybertrack with products Ford or General Motors. In addition to that, it is also bulletproof.
The slogan of the new Cybertruck is: 'Better utility than a truck with more performance than a sports car', that is, more useful than a truck, with better performance than sports cars.
And indeed it is. At the presentation, they showed that a whole ATV is placed in the body (it can also be recharged there). Then they showed a demo-race Cybertruck and Porsche 911, in which Tesla's creation, disregarding all the laws of aerodynamics, punished the 911. Cybertruck makes a quarter mile in 10.8 seconds, and accelerates from 0 to 100 in 2.9 seconds.
Another interesting feature is that the body of the car, according to Elon Musk, is an exoskeleton, unlike most similar cars, that is, the body is very durable and reliable. At the presentation, they knocked on him with a sledgehammer, and there were no dents left. And it also withstands a 9 mm caliber shot. This does not mean that the vehicle is armored. Just a demonstration of strength. Most importantly, Tesla promises that the body is not afraid of corrosion. I wonder how things are with the rapids.
The machine uses ultra-strong glass with which the overlay occurred. Elon Musk asked the assistant to throw a metal ball into the glass with all his might. In theory, the ball should have bounced off without damaging the glass, but the window cracked. In any case, it can be seen that the glass is very durable. A hole would remain in ordinary glass. And here is just a dent.
The car has a wonderful spacious interior for six. And, judging by the photo, a very laconic dashboard.
A little more detail about the technical characteristics. There are three versions:
- the younger one with one engine and rear-wheel drive drives up to a hundred in 6.9 seconds, having a power reserve of 400 km;
- average AWD with two engines – in 4.5 seconds (power reserve 482 km);
- the older AWD with three engines travels in just 2.9 seconds. The older model has a power reserve of 805 km.
Trunk volume – 2.83 cubic meters meters. The younger model can carry 3.5 tons, while the older one can carry almost 7 tons of cargo. Ground clearance up to 16 inches. As I understand it, the suspension is adjustable from the cabin. The maximum angle of entry is 35 degrees.
The simplest version costs $ 39,900, the two-motor version costs $ 49,900, and the top-end version costs $ 69,900. For an additional $ 7,000, you can add an autopilot feature.
The sad news is that production will begin only at the end of 2021, and the most sophisticated version will begin to be assembled at the end of 2022.
In any case, Tesla will not lose the market, since, according to analysts at IHS Markit, the entire US electric vehicle market will occupy only 9%, and the share of electric trucks will be even more negligible. For comparison, electric vehicles now account for 2% in the US. In Russia, apparently, everything will be even worse.
The appearance of the car caused many questions. On the one hand, there is an example Fiat Chrysler Automobiles released aggressive new RAM, which immediately boosted the manufacturer's sales.
On the other hand, many believe that Tesla has gone a little too far, as consumer tastes are still conservative. And such a creation is unlikely to be appreciated by commercial buyers who are doubly conservative, but buy just the most pick-ups and light trucks. But Cybertruck can appeal to customers who are not involved in construction, but simply lead an active lifestyle. And a number of experts agree that Tesla has just expanded the pickup truck market by creating its own unique niche. The new Cybertruck could be the new Hummer for the hipster-eco-millennials. It is big, bright, unusual. Can be compared to the trend for ugly sneakers. There is a logic: the worse, the cooler.
In any case, one must look at the response of competitors. Ford and GM have pledged that their all-electric pickup trucks will roll on the road in fall 2021.
Cybertruck's price is also very attractive. But it should be remembered that Musk did not manage to bring Model 3 to the market on time and at the promised price of $ 35,000. However, I would like to note that, nevertheless, automakers have already reached price parity with ICE cars. If earlier electric cars were always more expensive, now the same Cybertruck looks more interesting than a number of more expensive competitors.
In my opinion, Elon Musk presented the perfect car for me. For the older model, the price bites – 4.5 million rubles with a literal conversion of the course, but the younger one costs only 2.5 million. She has excellent dynamics in 6.9 seconds to hundreds, a good range of 400 kilometers. Unfortunately, the junior model will not get from Moscow to St. Petersburg without recharging, unlike the older one with its 800 km of travel, but it’s half way for sure. And there, so be it, you can take a lunch break.
Another great highlight is the ultra-rugged case. How often do you come across while driving with the fact that some impudent cuts you off, trying to get into the exit queue without even turning on the turn signal? It often happens that you want it or not, but you have to skip, because otherwise everything will end in a mini-accident, and nobody wants to fool with insurance and repairs. But the Cybertruck can be driven easily and naturally. And this is already a problem for others to dodge, because after an accident, Cybertruck can simply be wiped with a cloth. In Moscow, it is also extremely important that the hull and glass are bulletproof. You can not only not miss anyone, but also not be afraid of typical situations when a fat uncle driving a BMW shows you with a gun to let him pass. The only question in this situation is whether there is an option for auto-pumping the wheels in order to get to the nearest traffic police post. On the other hand, you can simply push your uncle into the bump stop and wait for the police. At the presentation, Mr. Musk showed an excellent video, where Cybertruck drags a desperately resisting Ford F-150 behind him.
Of course, Cybertruck is also wonderful for its spaciousness. All important things will fit into it: a bicycle, a motorcycle, a snowboard, and children, and a wife. And the cross-country ability is enough to go to nature. See how great the Tesla Cybertruck can be used for picnics:
I really hope that by 2022 Russia will see a rapid development of infrastructure for electric transport: charging in the city and on key highways. And my income level will rise to the possibility of buying an older model painlessly for the budget. Well, if it doesn't work out, then what can I do, I'll buy the younger one. Tell us in the comments which version of the Tesla Cybertruck you would like. How would they decorate it (I would cover my film – either a desert digital camouflage, or bright blue), where we would first of all go to Cybertruck, how would the interior be upgraded (I'm not sure, but judging by the pictures, the advanced audio system). Well, just write your delight about Cybertruck. He deserves it.