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In a series of articles dedicated to the professionals working on the Xperia line, a short talk with the display designer at Sony Mobile, Takao Yagi.
After spending five years with Sony's Bravia TV division, Takao Yagi's interests have shifted towards mobile technology. And since 2004, he's been at the core of a team building some of the world's finest displays for mobile devices. Today we will talk about Sony's inspiration and commitment, the BRAVIA TV and mobile experience.
What did you want to become as a child?
When I was young, I didn't have much time to think about my own future. I was too interested in games, work and life! And there weren't enough gaps between them to be able to guess so far.
How did you get started at Sony?
Since my youth, Sony has always been my favorite brand – and this is the root of my ambition. And when I realized that Sony is also the company I want to work for, I went and did it with hard work.
How long have you worked at BRAVIA TV and how long have you worked at Sony Mobile?
5 years in BRAVIA TV, and in Sony Mobile since 2004, it turns out 10 years.
What were the special features of the Xperia display design process?
Compared to TV? The big difference is that everything has to be energy efficient. It's also important to remember that content varies. I mean that when it comes to TV screens, the resolution is always fixed, and the task is to achieve the most beautiful and high-quality picture. With mobile devices, everything is different, the content is very different, and you need to strike some balance between the beauty of the image and the power consumption.
What do TV and smartphone displays have in common in terms of materials and technology?
XPERIA and BRAVIA share a common need to understand the human side of technology. Take color, for example. When people think of a red rose, they imagine it much redder than it is in life. Imagine a blue sea – and it will be the same. We need to reflect this in our displays. But when it comes to human skin, people want to see accurate color reproduction so that it looks real, real. And this must also be taken into account. Understanding how people use their displays is a very important intuitive factor, both for a TV and a smartphone.
How do the constraints you face when creating displays in TVs and smartphones differ?
As I said earlier, power saving is the biggest limitation due to the difference between displays in devices. And again, this is followed by a difference in content.
What was your biggest achievement with the Xperia series?
The biggest achievement for me is always the next Xperia I work on. This in itself is an achievement – the creation of new devices that carry outstanding engineering solutions.