To-Do Services vs Notepad

Do you use various 'tricks' to plan your affairs or not?


I have already voiced my position on the to-do list in one of the issues of the mobile environment, but instead of referring you to that article, I will briefly repeat myself. For myself, I concluded that various To-Do services are simply ineffective for me, even if they are kept in a simple Google Keep or Calendar. After a while, it becomes too lazy to drive in new cases and the service is abandoned. To be honest, I don’t know why, but I’m much more comfortable making a list of things to do in a regular paper notebook (and this despite the fact that I’m a big fan of digitalization!). Maybe it's this wonderful sense of completeness when you cross out another item, maybe it's just easier when a piece of paper is in front of your eyes, maybe something else, but the fact remains that a notebook is better for me than an application. And how are you? Keeping a to-do list or not? If so, what are you using? It is especially interesting to read the motivation of the same notebook lovers, what if we are guided by completely different reasons when choosing the same method?

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