Using the fingerprint scanner

Today we'll talk about the demand for a fingerprint scanner.

Using the fingerprint scanner

Hello everyone! Now I have a Mate 9 on the test Huawei, and before it there were about five more devices in a row and each of them had a fingerprint scanner. Front or back, in this case it does not matter. And so I caught myself thinking that some time ago I tested scanners, and then turned them off, since I was not comfortable using them. However, over the past year, the speed and accuracy of pressing have significantly improved, so a light touch is enough to unlock and immediately turn on the device. I am also pleased with the support of the scanner by third-party, primarily banking applications, plus authorization of purchases in the Play Store. But I noticed that apart from the personal accounts of banks, nowhere is such protection used (well, maybe even in 1password) and I wondered, but among your list of applications, dear readers, are there many of those that can be password protected by a scanner? If so, which ones? Are you taking this opportunity? Personally, to be honest, I can't think of any other scenarios right off the bat (except for banks and unlocking a smartphone).

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