We save at home. Installment tricks


Buying something cheaper is always a pleasure, especially if at the same time you get a new product, without any 'buts'.

Usually I buy all electronics on eBay, and I am not embarrassed by the waiting time or the possible risks during shipment, since the difference in price compensates for everything with interest.

But in my case, there is one important nuance – I have my own person in the USA who can act as an intermediary and send me any product that I order to his address.

What if this is not possible? Buy at home either from the so-called 'sero-carriers' – sellers who have already brought the device to Russia, taking all the risks of transportation on themselves, or look for unobvious discounts. Actually, let's analyze the second option today.

Looking ahead, I must say that the option proposed below is not new, but I think there are those who are not aware of such tricks.

At the moment, Russian retail, on the one hand, has not yet grown to subsidized sales, on the other hand, it offers excellent options with truly interest-free installments (agreements with banks), as well as cashback. To get the maximum discount, it is necessary to periodically monitor the offers of various retail chains.

Let's analyze the option to save money when buying in the MTS online store.

We go to the site shop.mts.ru, then look for the required model of the required smartphone.

Let's try to make out two options:

  1. Huawei Honor 10 as one of the best-selling smartphones at the moment in Russian retail.
  2. Samsung Galaxy Note 8 as one of the most profitable options in terms of the volume of the discount received.

Let's start with Honor 10.

Its price is 26,990 rubles. Market standard price.

We save at home.  Installment tricks

For a long time, MTS has had a cool offer with cashback. The main advantage of this offer is that this is exactly real real money that you get when you buy this (and not only) smartphone. These are not some mythical points or bonuses, which usually have a lot of restrictions and 'but', this is real live money.

When buying Honor 10, the size of this cashback is 2,500 rubles. In order to receive them, upon purchase, you will need to issue an MTS Money Wallet. After that, the money will go to this very wallet immediately after the purchase. Then you can link a bank card to the wallet and withdraw money to it.

We save at home.  Installment tricks

Thus, the phone will cost us 24,990 rubles. Not so much. But that's not all.

As I said above, at the moment, many retail chains provide an opportunity to buy goods in installments. And yes, this is exactly an installment plan, which means that we simply divide the price by the number of months of installment plan and get our monthly payment without overpayments. But we will use the installment plan to save even more. To maximize the savings, I recommend that you prepare an amount equal to the cost received in advance. We will receive a discount through early repayment.

Our task is to issue this very installment plan for the maximum number of months available within the offer – 36.

We save at home.  Installment tricks

The fact is that an installment plan is, in fact, an ordinary loan. The only difference is that the interest is compensated to the bank by the retail chain by providing a discount on the goods.

In the case of MTS, the interest rate on such a loan provided by MTS Bank is 7.35% per annum.

We save at home.  Installment tricks

Thus, if you buy a phone in installments for 36 months and repay it the next day, the amount of the payment for early repayment will be recalculated, since, in fact, you did not use the loan. Using this trick, you will be able to save at least another 22.05% of the cost of the phone, which is another 5,951 rubles.

Taking this trick into account, the final purchase price will be 19,039 rubles. Agree, this is much better than 26,990 rubles. The net savings will amount to a tangible RUB 7,951, or twenty-nine and a half percent. Pleasantly.

This is how, using math and a little trick, you can get impressive savings even in the Russian retail environment.

But from time to time, even more profitable offers appear, associated either with the sale of remnants, or with the renewal of the model range. At the moment, such an example is the Samsung Galaxy Note 8. If you've been considering buying a Note 8, now is the time.

We save at home.  Installment tricks

Now MTS offers a scattering of discounts for this model.

Firstly, this is a discount of 10,000 rubles from the recent price, but we do not take it into account. We will think of this as just a retail price correction.

Secondly, a cashback of 10,000 rubles.

Thirdly, this is a special discount of 5,000 rubles for the 'HOT3' promo code. – UPD: After the article was published, the seller removed the opportunity to get a discount by code.

Fourth, the very tricky discount through early repayment of installments, which in the case of Note 8 will amount to a modest 4179 rubles. All due to the fact that installments for this model are given only for 12 months, the interest rate for which is only 7.6% per annum.

In total, we get 19,179 rubles of savings. A very impressive figure turned out, even more than the cost Honor 10, which we talked about at the beginning.


Such offers appear in retail chains with enviable regularity and conditions often change. However, at the moment, the offer with real money cashback looks the most attractive, since it allows you to get not some virtual bonuses, but real money. Let's hope that other retail chains will adopt the experience of MTS and will also be able to offer cashback with real money, which will increase the attractiveness of such an offer.

Do not look at the fact that the term of the action with cashback is indicated only until June 03. This is not the first month that MTS has been extending this promotion, slightly changing the conditions, cashback size and participating models.

Catch offers like this with increased cashback. They appear regularly and can significantly save money. Also, don't forget the installment trick.

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