What kind of reviews would you like to see?

Feedback from readers and their opinions are always important for us, so in today's gatherings we will discuss with you interesting models that are available only in Chinese online stores and select the most relevant ones for future reviews.

Hello dear readers! In today's gatherings, I would like to consult with you about Chinese second-tier smartphones. At Mobile-Review, we try to cover all large and well-known brands, but a fair amount of the range of Chinese online stores remains outside the brackets. Because of this, in the comments, I often see reviews from the category: 'yes, for that kind of money, I can buy this and that.' Sometimes I pay attention to such comments and then try to get something interesting to test. For example, we had several reviews of 2-in-1 tablets on Windows 10, people said that they would order conditional Chuwi or Teclast for the same $ 200-300. As a result, I contacted the same Teclast and now periodically take something from them for a test.

However, there is not always enough time for the endless monitoring of Ali and specialized forums, plus even if you find a model that is good in terms of characteristics, it is far from a fact that it will end up being interesting and relevant, so I decided to ask your help, dear readers. I ask you in the comments to write reviews of which specific models from China would be of interest to you and why. If you see that you have already indicated the model you need, you can vote for the comment, so it will be clearer to me how interesting this or that gadget is.

Well, if you yourself have purchased something interesting, but little-known, then tell us more about the smartphone / tablet so that we understand why it is worth paying attention to it.

P.S. I remember about smartphones from Nokia, will we take them for a test in the near future?

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