What to do if the gadget is drowned


The mobile phone has become an integral part of our life. There are many who use multiple devices. And, like any complex technique, a mobile phone can fail for various reasons.

According to unofficial statistics, the most popular reasons for contacting service centers are damage caused by: the first – the ingress of liquid (dropped into the liquid, or flooded), and the second – mechanical impact (most often blow).

What to do if the gadget is drowned

What to do if the phone crashed is understandable. But not everyone knows what to do and what not to do if the phone 'drowned'.

Most modern electronics still don't like water very much. Most gadgets are contraindicated in water treatments. This means that upon contact with water, a favorite gadget can turn into a drowned man, and the chances of its further performance will be 50-50.

Very often, 'drowned' phones are brought to me for repairs, which could have been saved if the owner followed a series of simple rules.

I would like to talk about these rules today.

We do

What to do. If your phone has turned into a drowned man?

The most obvious answer that arises is to run to a service center. And that's right, but what to do before the phone gets into the hands of the master?

The first and most important rule is to never try to turn on a wet mobile phone. Even if it seems to you that it is almost not wet, and you very quickly took it out of the water, No matter how much you would like it, do not turn it on. By turning on the flooded phone, you, with a high degree of probability, will kill it completely, or hasten its death.

If you switch on a mobile phone that has been exposed to liquid, the moisture and electricity will cause the internal components of the phone to corrode. This is a very destructive process.

What to do if the gadget is drowned

Rule two – if possible, remove the battery. In general, the more you can disassemble your phone, the better. The best option would be to disassemble the phone completely, disconnecting all cables and connectors. If your phone is not collapsible and the battery is not removable, open all covers and ports.

What to do if the gadget is drowned

But what if the phone did not turn off after falling into the water? That's right – turn it off, and as quickly as possible!

If the phone gets into salty or sweet liquid, then no matter how absurd it may sound, rinse it with fresh water. Of course, after you've turned it off, taken apart, or removed the battery. Salty or sweet liquid will speed up the corrosion process. The more dissolved elements in the water, the higher its electrical conductivity.

What to do if the gadget is drownedWhat to do if the gadget is drowned

Immediately after that, you must try to deliver the drowned man as soon as possible to the resuscitator, oh, to the master. The likelihood of restoring your phone will depend on your promptness.

If at this point in time it is not possible to take the phone to the master, it is necessary to provide the phone with comfortable drying conditions. Very often on the 'internet' it is advised to lower the phone in fig.

What to do if the gadget is drowned

I can say that although the method has the right to life, it is far from being as unambiguous as it seems. Yes, rice absorbs moisture well, but not as well as we would like, and most importantly, not as well as silica gel. These are the same balls in small bags that are so often found in shoe boxes.

What to do if the gadget is drowned

The more bags you have, the better. By the way, inside many soft toys there is this very silica gel. If you have such a toy at hand, then feel where dense granules are concentrated inside it, and cover the phone with this side of the toy (of course, if the toy is not in a humid environment, or has not gotten wet recently).

Cat litter is also great. ?

What to do if the gadget is drowned

After drying the device, it is very tempting to try if it works. If you have such thoughts, remember the first rule.

By the way, if your phone model is considered non-collapsible, this does not mean that it cannot be disassembled. Instructions for parsing any phone are searched on youtube in just a couple of minutes. But here you decide – to take a chance and win, or to break the phone completely. In the case of a successful disassembly of your device, its chances of survival increase significantly. In case of failure … Well, that's why they fail. Decide for yourself.

What to do if the gadget is drowned

Now let's talk about what not to do.

Not to do

In addition to the obvious actions that contradict what needs to be done, there are a number of mistakes that the owner of the 'drowned man' makes.

Do not try to dry your phone with a hairdryer. Hot air blowing can be harmful.

The hair dryer will either drive the moisture even deeper, or by heating the liquid, it will accelerate the corrosion process. Likewise, do not try to blow moisture out of the apparatus with your mouth. Make it worse. Even if the water has not penetrated deeply, it will definitely penetrate after such blowing.

What to do if the gadget is drowned

Do not dry your phone on battery or in the sun. Overheating can damage the components of the phone. It is best to dry your phone when it is wet in a warm, well-ventilated place out of direct sunlight.

What to do if the gadget is drowned

What to do if the gadget is drowned

Remember the joke that your phone can be charged very quickly if you put it in the microwave for a minute? I think everything is clear here – no microwaves. ?

Do not rinse your phone with alcohol. Although alcohol is often used to remove moisture from electronic components, it is not a good idea to use this method for bathing your phone. There are many components in the phone that won't survive alcohol baths. These are rubber plugs and gaskets, and adhesive joints, and much more.

What to do if the gadget is drowned

Do not rely on chance. I often heard about how a person drowned his phone, then dried it and has been using it for several months without any consequences. Yes, such luck is also not uncommon, and the safety margin of modern phones is sometimes amazing. But the corrosion has not gone anywhere, and continues to destroy such a phone from the inside. This can lead to the fact that one day the phone simply will not turn on.

As a conclusion

Most likely, for most readers, these rules will not be a revelation, however, constantly faced with recessed phones, I can conclude that not many people know about these rules. And if they do know, they don't take them seriously.

The more amateur owners of drowned phones show, the more work the electronics repairmen have, and the less chances of successful repairs.

And also, if you drowned your device, and it was repaired for you, remember¸ that no master, if he is not an altruist and in his mind, will give you a guarantee for a drowned phone.

Summer is over, which means there are many cloudy, rainy days ahead. Keep the electronics away from water, or use a waterproof one. Dry and warm days to you.

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