Where do you buy equipment?

We invite our readers to tell where they buy new smartphones, accessories and other mobile equipment.

Where do you buy equipment?

It's no secret that we have a very advanced audience, hardly any of the readers of Mobile-Review buys a smartphone or tablet in the first place they come across. As part of today's gatherings, I propose to tell you which stores you order / buy various mobile equipment and accessories to it. And to make the process mutually interesting, I will first share my experience. If we are talking about buying a smartphone, then for a long time I preferred to choose stores that sell 'gray' appliances, in this case you can save about 5-6 thousand rubles, and there will be practically no difference in use. However, now manufacturers are gradually 'tightening the screws', so Meizu or Lenovo bought in China will not work so well with us, there will be no support for either the necessary frequencies or the Russian language.

Where do you buy equipment?

I buy small accessories on AliExpress, once a month it's nice to look at Ali's assortment and find some long-needed trinket or adapter. Also a kind of shopping, but at a minimum cost.

If we talk about other purchases, a year ago I bought a TV from Citilink, smart scales from MVideo, and a MacBook from Eldorado (I managed to snatch MBPr13 8/256 GB for 58,700 rubles). In fact, the degree of trust in large retail is about the same for me, mainly the price or convenient location plays a role (for example, the same MVideo or Eldorado are located next to the metro). Now he is ready to overpay for the store's reputation and an official guarantee, but five years ago it was an impermissible luxury.

Where do you buy equipment?

What do you say, dear readers? Where do you buy equipment and accessories, and most importantly – why exactly there?

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