Google announced the release of the official Android 6.0 SDK, as well as the opening in the Google Play store for developers of publishing applications with the new API level 23 for the latest version Android M, which has now received the official name – Android 6.0 Marshmallow.
The final version Android 6.0 SDK is currently available for download via the SDK manager in Android Studio. With the Android 6.0 SDK, developers have access to the final Android API and the latest build tools, with which they can migrate to API 23. After downloading the SDK Android 6.0 in Android Studio, you need to update the compileSdkVersion application project to level 23, and then test your application with the new platform.
Together with Android 6.0 SDK, the system developers also updated Android Support Library to version 23. The new Android Support library will make it easier to integrate many of the new APIs, such as application permissions and built-in fingerprint reader support, which will be backward compatible. In addition, this release contains a number of new helper libraries, including: customtabs, percent, recommendation, preference-v7, preference-v14, and preference-leanback-v17.