LG Electronics announced the start of a free display replacement campaign for smartphones, including the flagship LG G7 ThinQ and subsequent 2018 models. These devices, purchased on the territory of the Russian Federation in the period up to 31.12.2018, take part in the promotion in the official service centers of the company.
To participate in the Promotion, you must purchase one or more smartphones before December 31, 2018 (inclusive) and register on the company's website within three months from the date of purchase.
Upon successful registration, the consumer receives a confirmation to the e-mail address specified by him and the right to a one-time free replacement of the display within one year from the date of purchase. To receive the service, you must contact one of the authorized service centers LG.
The right to a one-time free replacement of the display arises in the event of mechanical damage, including damage to the screen matrix (the effect of 'spreading crystals'), with the exception of damage due to deliberate actions and solely for the purpose of restoring the functionality of the smartphone screen, and not in order to restore the presentation.