South Korean company LG Electronics announced that next month, the functionality of the flagship smartphone LG G6 will be expanded, adding new data protection features and improving the user interface. Added features include Face Unlock, Power Saving, and Camera Lens Blocked Alert. They will be available on existing devices with a firmware update, and will also be preinstalled on all new LG G6 smartphones. In addition, the company LG announced a new smartphone model – LG G6 +, which has increased memory capacity and high sound quality.
The new model LG G6 + inherits the features previously implemented in the LG G6 and will feature 128GB of storage. В комплекте будут прилагаться премиальные наушники B&O PLAY, чтобы пользователи могли, как отмечает производитель, в полной мере насладиться высоким качеством звука, создаваемого встроенным в смартфон 32-битным Hi-Fi Quad ЦАП. In some countries, the smartphone will be presented with support for wireless charging.
The exact dates of the firmware update and the availability LG of the G6 + on sale will be announced in each country separately.