The company LG Electronics announced the opening of a pre-order for a smartphone LG G5SE. As noted in the company, in the current economic conditions, the company decided to start in Russia with the version LG G5SE, and in the future – to bring to the market and LG G5, the difference between them is only in the type of processor and the amount of RAM. The novelty is available in three colors: titanium, pink and gold – at a price of 49,990 rubles.
Recall that LG G5SE, like LG G5 has a modular architecture that significantly expands the capabilities of a smartphone. Thanks to a retractable removable battery and a wide range of additional devices LG Friends, your smartphone can be transformed, for example, into a digital camera or a Hi-Fi audio player. Universal app LG Friends Manager helps you manage modules and accessories, intuitively identifies nearby devices, connects them to LG G5SE, helps you download and install the necessary apps from the Google Play Store. The novelty also has a metal case and a 3D Arc Glass display.