The South Korean company Samsung Electronics announced the launch of the Trade-In program in Russia, within which users of Samsung Galaxy S6 and S7 / S7 edge smartphones, as well as owners Apple iPhone of the latest generations can purchase flagships Samsung Galaxy S8, Samsung Galaxy S8 +, Galaxy S7 edge and S7 at a bargain price. The benefit will be from 14 thousand to 32 thousand rubles, depending on the smartphone model being handed over. The program only accepts PCT devices from users.
The Trade-In program can be exchanged in Samsung branded stores throughout Russia – in 139 retail outlets located in 45 cities. The program was launched on such a scale by Samsung for the first time in Russia. The program accepts smartphones Samsung Galaxy S6, S6 edge, S6 edge +, S7, S7 edge, as well as iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6s and 6s Plus.