Samsung Electronics has introduced the Samsung Forward program, which allows you to use Samsung mobile devices at a price of 3,790 rubles per month. The program has been operating since October this year, the flagship models of smartphones Samsung Galaxy Note9 and Galaxy S9 participate in it | S9 +. Currently Samsung Forward is available in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ivanovo and Murmansk.
You can send an application for registration of the program on the Samsung Forward website, as well as in Samsung branded stores. The review process takes just a minute. After the application is approved, the user can receive a smartphone in the Samsung branded retail by presenting the received barcode and passport. The contract signing process is completely digital. All participating devices receive Smart Care + protection from Samsung with a one-time free, one-time replacement of a broken screen or back panel at a Samsung Authorized Service Center for 1 year.
Samsung Forward is implemented in partnership with Forward Leasing.