Today the company Xiaomi announced the launch in Russia of its newest smartphone under the brand Redmi – Redmi 7A, which it positions as a completely updated version of its predecessor, Redmi 6A. The new smartphone comes with a more powerful processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 439, a larger 4,000mAh battery, an improved design, a faster 10W charger, improved speakers and splash protection. Also, the device can receive FM radio without an external antenna. Redmi 7A will be available for 7,490 rubles.
Redmi The 7A will go on sale July 9 at the manufacturer's official online store. From July 15, the smartphone will be available for purchase in the Official Mi Stores network, as well as from retail partners Xiaomi. The device will be available in the following colors: Matte Blue, Matte Black, Diamond Blue, Diamond Red. The cost of the version with 2 GB of RAM and 16 GB of ROM will be 7 490 rubles, the version with 2 GB of RAM and 32 GB of ROM – 8 490 rubles. The Red Diamond and Blue Diamond versions will only be available in the 2GB + 32GB configuration.