Updates for Android apps will weigh up to 65% less

Google has announced a new approach to distributing app updates in its online app store Google Play, which uses file-by-file patches to reduce the size of an update by an average of 65% compared to a full app, and in some cases saves over 90%. %.


Compared to the previous 'pumping' of the Google Play update system, which uses the bsdiff algorithm (calculating the difference between files at the binary level) and allows you to save up to 47% of network traffic, the new algorithm will reduce the amount of data downloaded from the app store by 6 petabytes daily.

However, applying this approach to updating applications on Google Play entails an increase in the time it takes to apply it – reducing the size of the update in half leads to approximately two times the duration of the application update process using the new algorithm. Therefore, applications will be updated using the new economical algorithm for automatically updating applications, whose updating process usually takes place at night, which ensures the user that he does not wait too long for his application to receive a new version.

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